
Check current login user permission using JSOM in SharePoint 2013/2016

Hi All, One of the easiest way to check the current logged in user privilege in JSOM if (SP.PageContextInfo.get_webPermMasks().has([26])) {        //your code goes here...   } Below are the list of permission types and it's index.   Permission Type Index emptyMask 0 viewListItems 1 addListItems 2 editListItems 3 deleteListItems 4 approveItems 5 openItems 6 viewVersions 7 deleteVersions 8 cancelCheckout 9 managePersonalViews 10 manageLists 12 viewFormPages 13 anonymousSearchAccessList 14 open 17 viewPages 18 addAndCustomizePages 19

Force SharePoint to use IE 7 to solve IE 8 Rendering problem

Many people might have faced this issue that SharePoint is not rendering properly in IE 8, where there is a KB956197 on Microsoft site, explaining this problem.  to solve this add the below code in your masterpage "<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />" This will force your site to be displayed in IE compatibility mode and it renders without any glitches Regards Ratsub

Silverlight Webpart 5 Second Timeout Error - Fix

Hi All, There is the way to set time out for Silverlight web part. This time out happens when web part can't load xap file. The value is hard-coded within web part and equal 5 sec which is not so much.   So, Just use the below snippet in the page <script type="text/javascript"> function _spCheckIfSilverlightPluginIsLoaded_WebPartctl00_m_g_0f7cd87d_f3fd_49d9_91ec_ad4b46cfe999(){} </script> And add the below snippet where the Silverlight Webpart hosted   <script type="text/javascript"> function _spSetSLPluginNotLoadedErrorMessage(wpId){  }  </script>  Now you wont face a timeout :) Regards Ratsub 

Time for HTML5

Hey All,   It's time to know about HTML5 Lot's more new feature's are available in HTML 5, lets see some of them with the demo/usefull link's article aside figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark nav section time  the above image give's a clear/basic idea/architecture about the HTML5, Please click for more from Code Project   The one of the best feature in HTML 5 is Embedded Audio/Video support that ensure NO MORE NEED FOR EXTERNAL PLUG-IN LIKE Flash/Silverlight plugin in your browser until unless you have a browser with HTML5 support to know more about Browser compatibility click Here   Note: All browser support their own format of video extension to know more about video extension click Here    

SharePoint articles collection

Hi All, After a long search i found a dump of articles with the clear explanation of experts with examples at the following location Regards Ratsub

PDF Document won’t have “Open” option when accessing from Share point Doc Library from Internet Explorer 8

Users when they try to open PDF file from Internet Explorer 8, they won’t have the button  “Open”. Internet Explorer 8 treats the web applications that need to serve untrusted HTML files, the user is prevented from opening a file download directly; instead, they must first save the file locally. When the locally saved file is later opened, it no longer executes in the security context of your site, helping to prevent script injection.   Internet Explorer 8 has a mechanism to help prevent the untrusted content from compromising your site’s security. When the new X-Download-Options header is present with the value noopen. To overcome, we need to allow the Content Type “application/pdf”, using the Powershell Scripts with the Webapplication.                                       $WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $(Read-Host "`nEnter Web Application URL") If ($WebApp.AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes -notcontains ("application/pdf")) { Write-Host

Microsoft SharePoint Designer does not support editing non-SharePoint sites

In SharePoint Designer 2010 if you received the error below when trying to open a SharePoint 2010 Site. saying, "Microsoft SharePoint Designer does not support editing non-SharePoint sites" Please do the following to resolve this problem, enable the client integration. To do this, follow these steps: Start SharePoint 2010 Central Administration , and then click Security . Click Specify authentication providers . If the Web application in the Web Application list is not the same application that you want to open in SharePoint Designer 2010, click Web Application on the Change Web Application list. On the Select Web Application page, click the name of the Web application that you want to open. Under Zone , Click Default to open the Edit Authentication page. Under Enable Client Integration , click Yes , and then click Save . For more detail please visit the following link Regards Ratsub

My First Blog

This is my first blog and i lOve it