SharePoint Server - Recycle / Stop-Start Application/Site pool using C#

As a continuation of my previous post

List All Servers in SharePoint Farm using C#

Now w'll see to Start/Stop Pools without login to the server each time.
{ Please check the NOTE at the very end on this post }

List All Application/Site Pools

/// <summary>
/// Load Pools from the given server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverName">Server name</param>
/// <param name="pool">Pool type</param>
public void LoadPools(string serverName, PoolType pool)
    var server = ServerManager.OpenRemote(serverInstance);

    if (pool == PoolType.AppPool)
        appPoolCollection = new List<ApplicationPool>();
        appPoolCollection = server.ApplicationPools.ToList();
    else if (pool == PoolType.SitePool)
        siteCollection = new List<Site>();
        siteCollection = server.Sites.ToList();

Start/Stop Application Pool

/// <summary>
/// Reset Application Pool
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverName">Server name to be opened</param>
/// <param name="resetAction">Start/Stop</param>
/// <param name="applicationPool">Application pool name to perform action</param>
/// <param name="message">Success/Exception message</param>
/// <returns>true/false</returns>
public bool ResetApplicationPool(string serverName, Action resetAction, string applicationPool, out string message)
    bool IsSuccess = false;

        var server = ServerManager.OpenRemote(serverName);

        #region START/STOP LOGIC
        ApplicationPool pool = server.ApplicationPools[applicationPool];
        if (pool != null)
                if (pool.State != ObjectState.Unknown)
                    if (resetAction == Action.Stop)
                        if (pool.State == ObjectState.Started)
                            // Stoping attempt

                                // sitting duck...
                            while (pool.State == ObjectState.Stopping);


                            IsSuccess = true;
                        else if (pool.State == ObjectState.Stopped || pool.State == ObjectState.Stopping)
                            message = "Already in " + pool.State + " state";

                    if (resetAction == Action.Start)
                        if (pool.State == ObjectState.Stopped)
                            // Starting attempt

                                // sitting duck...
                            while (pool.State == ObjectState.Starting);

                            IsSuccess = true;
                        else if (pool.State == ObjectState.Started || pool.State == ObjectState.Starting)
                            message = "Already in " + pool.State + " state";
                    message = pool.Name + " - has unknown state";
            catch (Exception x)
                message = "unhandled exception: " + x.Message;
            message = applicationPool + "- does not exist in this server";

    catch (Exception ex)
        message = ex.Message;

    return IsSuccess;

Start/Stop Site Pool

/// <summary>
/// Reset SitePool
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverName">Server name to be opened</param>
/// <param name="resetAction">Start/Stop</param>
/// <param name="sitePool">Site pool name to perform action</param>
/// <param name="message">Success/Exception message</param>
/// <returns>true/false</returns>
public bool ResetSitePool(string serverName, Action resetAction, string sitePool, out string message)
    bool IsSuccess = false;

        var server = ServerManager.OpenRemote(serverName);
        Site site = server.Sites[sitePool];
        #region START/STOP logic
        if (site != null)
                // SitePool's App pool name //
                // site.Applications[0].ApplicationPoolName; //

                if (site.State != ObjectState.Unknown)
                    if (resetAction == Action.STOP)
                        if (site.State == ObjectState.Started)
                            //Stoping attempt

                                // sitting duck...
                            while (site.State == ObjectState.Stopping);


                            IsSuccess = true;
                        else if (site.State == ObjectState.Stopped || site.State == ObjectState.Stopping)
                            resultpool.isAlready = true;
                            resultpool.alreadyDescription = "Already in " + site.State + " state";
                    if (resetAction == Action.Start)
                        if (site.State == ObjectState.Stopped)
                            //Starting attempt

                                // sitting duck...
                            while (site.State == ObjectState.Starting);

                            IsSuccess = true;
                        else if (site.State == ObjectState.Started || site.State == ObjectState.Starting)
                            message = "Already in " + site.State + " state";
                    resultpool.CurretnState = site.State.ToString();
                    message = site.Name + " - has unknown state";
            catch (Exception ex)
                message = "unhandled exception: " + ex.Message;
            message = siteInstance + " - does not exit in this server";
    catch (Exception ex)
        message = ex.Message;

    return IsSuccess;

🔔⏳🔶🔷 Note 🔷🔶⏳🔔

Have to host this solution as a website in IIS with the same Identity or Service Account used by SharePoint Application/Site Pools and host it in any one of the server in SharePoint farm. Then access it from anywhere using browser **[Highly recommended] Enable windows authentication for this website



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