
Showing posts from 2013

Silverlight Webpart 5 Second Timeout Error - Fix

Hi All, There is the way to set time out for Silverlight web part. This time out happens when web part can't load xap file. The value is hard-coded within web part and equal 5 sec which is not so much.   So, Just use the below snippet in the page <script type="text/javascript"> function _spCheckIfSilverlightPluginIsLoaded_WebPartctl00_m_g_0f7cd87d_f3fd_49d9_91ec_ad4b46cfe999(){} </script> And add the below snippet where the Silverlight Webpart hosted   <script type="text/javascript"> function _spSetSLPluginNotLoadedErrorMessage(wpId){  }  </script>  Now you wont face a timeout :) Regards Ratsub 

Time for HTML5

Hey All,   It's time to know about HTML5 Lot's more new feature's are available in HTML 5, lets see some of them with the demo/usefull link's article aside figcaption figure footer header hgroup mark nav section time  the above image give's a clear/basic idea/architecture about the HTML5, Please click for more from Code Project   The one of the best feature in HTML 5 is Embedded Audio/Video support that ensure NO MORE NEED FOR EXTERNAL PLUG-IN LIKE Flash/Silverlight plugin in your browser until unless you have a browser with HTML5 support to know more about Browser compatibility click Here   Note: All browser support their own format of video extension to know more about video extension click Here